Unleashed (& Stir-Fry)

IMG_3050.JPGSo last weekend the company my outstanding husband works at gave us a wonderful gift to see Anthony Robins Unleash the Power Within. We had no idea what this seminar was about but everyone in management had gone and wanted to give this to us as a couple. It was a wonderful experience, and we were able to do a lot of fun things like meet new people, gain life changing information, and do a fire walk. If you can make it to any of the Anthony Robins events I whole heartedly recommend it.

Anyway, one of the things that they talk about is health and they invite everyone to do a 10 Day Challenge where you eat high alkaline diet for 10 days and then do 30 if you are really feeling it. This means no processed foods, no canola oil (I had no idea how that stuff was processed), and no meats (which I was fine with). What was most surprising was that my husband wanted to do this!

I have been mostly vegan for about 2 months and fully for a month due to a dairy sensitivity and the recent discovery of being egg and peanut sensitive as well. Since food allergies is something I’ve been dealing with for the past 10 years this was not a big deal for me to cut out a few more things to feel my best. However, food has always been a bonding point in my relationship/ marriage with Justin and this was a hard change for him.

I still made his lunches with meat and would make him animal protein every so often but not as often, and I made sure to let him know I didn’t expect him to eat gluten free vegan as well. He was still sad for me though and had a hard time imagining that I was still truly happy with my food options when we went out. But after this event he was all in for this challenge! When we went out for dinner that night after the seminar he wanted to make sure we could eat alkaline, and when we got home we went shopping right away to stock up on healthy options and cook right for this 10 Day Challenge. It’s been a total 180°. This morning he got up and made almond milk from scratch, and as I type these words for you he is working on making homemade hummus with dried not canned beans and fresh tahini. I can hardly express how lovely it’s been to have the full support of my spouse with my eating, I feel like we are a real team ❤

In honor of this great new food partnership here is the recipe we made last night for dinner.

Alkaline Stir-Fry 

  • 4 cups Cooked organic Brown Rice
  • 1 small Eggplant cubed
  • 1 head of Cauliflower cut into florets
  • 1 head of Broccoli cut into florets
  • 3 stems of kale stems removed and torn into 1″
  • 1 large White Onion loose chop
  • 2 cups Snap Peas
  • 1 Bell Pepper loose chop
  • 1.5″ diced fresh Ginger
  • 2 tsp Chinese Five Spice (if you think it needs more then add it)
  • 1/2 tsp Chili Powder
  • 1-2 good sprinkles of ground pepper
  • 1-2 tsp course ground Celtic Salt
  • 1/2 cup Braggs Amino Acids ( you can find this at almost any grocery store, we got ours at Fred Meyers)
  • 1-1 1/2 tsp Sesame Oil
  • 1/3 fresh squeezed Lemon

What To Do

  1. In a wok or large pot on medium high add a couple of tablespoons of healthy oil (avocado or organic coconut oil because they can take high heat. Olive oil will just smoke) and add all of your veggies. Cook stirring constantly until veggies are as desired.
  2. Mix wet ingredients together and pour over veggies, stir until veggies are coated with mixture.
  3. Serve over your warmed lovely brown rice. If you like you can drizzle a little more Amino Acids if you would like more soy sauce flavor on your plate.

I hope you enjoy this meal like we did.

xoxo, JoyLynn